AN emergency meeting was held in Wychavon in an effort to boost the district's failing social mobility.

A report published in the Social Mobility Commission’s State of the Nation in December saw Wychavon in the bottom 20 percent of local authorities in the UK.

Following that, the council pledged to invest £30,000 into improving social mobility in the district with a summit called.

Worcestershire County Council representatives, Babcock (county’s schools improvement provider) as well as the regional schools commissioner Christine Quinn.

Cllr. Linda Robinson, Leader of Wychavon said “I called for this summit because I was dismayed at the area’s standing for social mobility. I feel that we have taken a landmark step towards starting to really understand the causes behind the district’s poor ranking and we now have some ideas how we could support partners to push for success.”

Catherine Driscoll, Worcestershire director of children, families and communities said: “Coming from a household that didn’t even own a book when I was a child social mobility is a topic close to my heart.

"In 2018 where you start all too often determines where you finish. We recognise the need for better life chances for all children in Wychavon and we are committed to work with Wychavon on how to make this a reality.”

The summit was held in response to the district’s poor social mobility standing which is at odds with its Halifax Quality of Life Survey result as 3rd best place to live in 2018.

Its aim was to start to get a better understanding of the issues and what can be done to address them.

Participants explored three key areas - early years, schools and youth. Groups shared what more could potentially be done to help children from disadvantaged backgrounds to ensure they get the best start in life.