Pick early varieties of apples and pears when slightly underripe.

Pot young alpines raised from cuttings in spring, using a gritty compost, and overwinter in a cold frame before planting out next year.

Give autumn green crops a light dressing of general fertiliser.

Lift clumps of Lilium regale and re-set them, planting them around 15cm (5in) deep in well-drained soil, improved with compost and scatter a little sand in the hole to improve drainage.

Sow poppies outdoors where they can flower next year. The seedlings will only require thinning.

Plant out spring-flowering biennials, including forget-me-nots and wallflowers, in their flowering positions to give them time to establish before winter.

Plant new border perennials and water the plants in well.

Continue to plant prepared bulbs in bowls for indoor display at Christmas and early next year.

Clear areas of summer bedding past its best to make room for spring bedding and bulbs.