A MAN who poured cider over a car did so because he wanted to "have it out" with the owner.

Dean Taylor, of Chedworth Drive, Warndon, Worcester, kicked and caused damage to the vehicle - a taxi - belonging to a Mr Zuman, an acquaintance of two years.

At Worcester Magistrates Court 35-year-old Taylor, who has 131 previous offences, pleaded guilty to criminal damage.

Douglas Marshall, prosecuting, told the court Mr Zuman was ill in bed when Taylor came to his house at 10.15pm on Tuesday, January 8.

"He was informed by his wife that Taylor was at the front of the property, kicking the front door," said Mr Marshall.

"Mr Zuman got out of bed and, from the window, saw Talyor begin kicking the vehicle."

Taylor attempted to get into the property and was later seen, by an independent witness, pouring a "clear bottle of liquid" - which he later admitted was cider - over Mr Zuman's taxi.

Mark Lister, defending, said: "Dean Taylor has, for some months, been looking after his elderly father who has been diagnosed with cancer.

"Mr Zuman had been taking the mickey out of his father and Mr Taylor really went round to have it out with him."

Mr Lister described his client's record as "unenviable" but added that last conviction for criminal damage was in 1994.

"He is not someone who is habitually violent to property," he said.

"These were exceptional circumstances."

The bench fined Talyor £100, ordered him to pay £150 compensation, £70 court costs and a £15 victim surcharge.