A MOTHER has spoken of her ongoing battle to care for her disabled children after a house fire forced them out of their home.

Jennifer Kenny said her family was struggling in a smaller, temporary home which does not have the facilities her ill son needs.

She is angry that Spa Housing Association, which owns their home, has not started repair work despite the fire being nearly six months ago.

However, the association has blamed insurers for the delay, saying they are waiting for them to agree the work can go ahead.

Mrs Kenny said: "My son Ethan's got cerebral palsy. I've got a special bath chair I have to use in the bath and I can't use it in here.

"My son can't have a bath or a shower because I physically can't hold him.

"I have to lie him on the changing mat to wash him.

"To wash his hair I have to do it over the sink. It's very difficult."

Mrs Kenny said Ethan, aged one, also has to be tube-fed and his feeding equipment is now being stored in a shed because the temporary home is not big enough.

She, husband Graham, Ethan and Sophie, four, who has spina bifida, moved from their home in Woodman's Place, Westlands, Droitwich to Galton Way, Hadzor, in November after the fire.

She said: "The kitchen and dining room were completely gutted and the bathroom downstairs and the rest of it is all smoke damaged.

"I've been told it was about £25,000 worth of damage."

She added: "I've been chasing and chasing to find out when they are going to start the work."

A spokesman from Spa Housing said the organisation had assessed the damage, surveyed the property and arranged a quote for the work but had been waiting for sign-off from the loss adjusters before repairs could begin.

He said: "It's unfortunate and regrettable that it has taken this time.

"We had confirmation yesterday from the insurance company that they've given approval to start.

"We expect the work to start in the next few weeks."

He could not say how much the work would cost or how long it would take.