A popular event supported by Bike Worcester will see families get together to pedal, picnic and play tomorrow (June 4).

The Kidical Mass event on Sunday 4 June, organised by Rob and Kate Collier, welcomes all ages and abilities.

The short mass cycle will follow a route along main roads and residential side streets and end at Gheluvelt Park.

The route is designed so that children of all ages, can cycle, wheel or scoot safely - even on a balance bike, with stabilisers, or sitting in a child seat or trailer.

The meeting point is on the grass area outside Cafe Viaduct, opposite the Hive, ready for a 12pm start.

There will be a briefing and marshals’ helping on the junctions, with lots of space given for small people to build confidence on their bikes.

After the bike ride, everyone is invited to bring a picnic and play games at Gheluvelt Park, led by professional play specialist and Kidical Mass organiser, Katie Collier.

Bella Frederiksen, age 9, from Worcester City takes part in the Kidical Mass bike rides with her parents.

Bella said: “I love cycling with my family and friends, it’s great fun. We also do the Bike Bus to my school on Fridays.”

Kidical Mass is a worldwide movement celebrating cycling. Events have been taking place in Worcester since last summer, with around 100 people joining in each time.

Kidical Mass calls on governments to invest in proper safe cycling infrastructure to make cycling easier and more pleasant for all cyclists, including children.

Mum Zoe, with daughter Bethan, age 11, from the Arboretum like exploring the city on their bikes.

They said: “It’s always well organised and a fun, free activity. We feel safe and really enjoy riding in a group. It’s a great way to spend time with friends and chat to new people.’

For more information about the next Kidical Mass event, check out the Bike Worcester website www.bikeworcester.org.uk or Worcester Kidical Mass Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/kidicalmassworcester

Bike Worcester is a local group that’s been set up to identify actions that can be taken to make it easier and safer for more people to cycle around the city.

They welcome new members from all parts of the community. Their bike recycling scheme is growing in popularity.

If you have an unused bike you no longer need, please get in touch to donate it.

Bike Worcester meet weekly at the Crowngate on a Wednesday evening to refurbish donated bikes, ready for people who are in need and can’t afford a bike.

Find more details on their website www.bikeworcester.org.uk.