A new campaign has been launched after research discovered the danger of lengthy hospital stays.

The 'Home for Lunch' campaign from Worcestershire and Herefordshire health providers aims to return patients to the comfort of their homes earlier in the day.

Discharging patients earlier in daylight promotes warmth and safety and facilitates an easier transition back into normal life as well as reduce health risks, they claim.

This comes after recent research detailing the risk of long bed rest, especially in older patients.

For those aged over 80, a week of hospital bed rest is the equivalent equivalent to 10 years of muscle ageing or could impede 16-65 per cent of older patients from walking unaided.

Moreover, the risk for in-patients to contract viruses and infections increases.

Dr Christine Blanshard, Chief Medical Officer for Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, said: "Supporting the Home for Lunch campaign is an important part of a wider programme of work to ensure that none of our patients spends a minute longer in our hospitals than they need to.

"We know that keeping patients in an acute hospital bed when they no longer require acute hospital care can have a profound negative impact on their mental and physical wellbeing, as well as putting them at risk of hospital acquired infections or a greater risk of falls as a result of being in an unfamiliar environment.

"We want to take a Home First approach for all our patients.

"In familiar surroundings, they are more easily able to maintain their physical and mental health and spend more time with their family, friends – even their pets."

David Allison, Associate Chief Operating Officer, Medical Division, for Wye Valley NHS Trust explained: "We will be doing all we can to get our patients home in the morning, in daylight hours, which is important for many of our frail and elderly patients.

"Being in familiar surroundings with support from loved ones is one of the best things for mental wellbeing.

"Hospitals are unfamiliar and can be very confusing.

"Being in hospital for too long can reduce muscle capacity and reduce the ability to do routine things for yourself."