A DOG who has been diagnosed with a common cause of heart failure has had a GoFundMe page set up to raise money for lifesaving medication.

Lacey Smith, from Warndon in Worcester, has launched a bid to raise funds for her Saint Bernard, Hades, who was recently diagnosed with a Dilated Cardiomyopathy.

The condition is a very common cause of heart failure in large breeds, and left the three-and-a-half-year-old in a very serious condition over Christmas.

He was also diagnosed with epilepsy at eight months old, which he is on medication for, but this has left Miss Smith and her family struggling to juggle the payments for both medications.

This ultimately led to her setting up a GoFundMe page with the aim of raising £3000 towards Hades' veterinary care.

"Recently Hades was feeling very ill so we took him to the vets and he was diagnosed with a condition that is a common of heart failure called Dilated Cardiomyopathy," Miss Smith said.

"The problem is that it is so expensive to fund his vets bills and medication.

"At the moment it costs £500 per month and we now can't afford to keep him on this medication."

Miss Smith, aged 19, also revealed Hades' epilepsy diagnosis, which came about after he suffered regular fits, was common in Saint Bernard's from when they are bred.

While she is targeting to raise a total of £3000, Miss Smith is initially aiming to secure £500.

"A lot of the locals where I live know him really well and anytime he is outside they stop and say hello to him.

"I was recently going through a dark time because I suffer with anxiety, particularly social anxiety, so I struggle to speak to people.

"When I am with Hades I feel more relaxed, I just love him to bits.

"The whole of the family loves him, we are just hanging on to him while we have got him because we don't know how long we will be able to keep him going.

"I can't imagine life without him."

You can make a donation you can visit the GoFundMe page: https://gofund.me/65995056.