Whatever your religious beliefs, Easter is traditionally a time for a new start, new beginings and a new life. Did you give up anything for lent? Many of us try to give up vices or bad habits for lent - chocolate, alcohol etc etc but how many of us manage to see out the whole 40 days?

Lent in its message to us is not unique in the religious calender, other religions have similar periods of fasting or abstinance.

What would choose to give up or live without? Could you give up cigarettes or other excesses? What would you replace these addictions with? Does the habit control you, or do you control the habit? My Dad gave up smoking when he was 60 after smoking for 40 odd years, the doctor told him it would be as difficult as coming off drugs, the body is so used to the nicotine it misses the 'highs' that it provides and creates the craving. So what can you do about it?.....

One of the most empowering things people can do is to make a hard decision...and go through with it. How many people do you know who have given something up....and stuck at it? Whats the difference between those that succeed and those that fail?

In my experience those clients who make a success of goals like this are ones that are realistic, plan in contingencies and share their goals with those around them. A contingency might be to get some nicotine patches as you know that at some point your will power may wain and you will need a boost to help you through it.

If you have seen someone succeed with this how did they feel? How impressed were you that they have succeeded in a personal goal? Draw your inspiration from your friends and colleagues who set the bench mark... if they can do it why cant you?

Let me know your success stories which I would like to include in my newsletter email me at james@aspirationlifecoaching.co.uk.

bye for now

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