SHE might not look much like Doctor Dolittle, but Georgina Cotgreave can certainly talk to the animals. Horses, cats, dogs, cows, you name it, this 31-year-old from Bradley Green, near Droitwich, seems to have an affinity with them all.

She said: “I’ve been around animals all my life. I learned to ride when I was three and had my first pony when I was six. From a very early age I’ve had this ability to communicate with them. It’s as though they are talking to me.

“My friends used to ask how I knew my dog didn’t like a certain biscuit because it was too salty, or that my pony wanted to go on a certain ride and my answer was always the same: ‘Because they told me so’.”

Georgina has made use of this baffling ability to work as an animal communicator and healer, sometimes alongside the RSPCA and Cats Protection.

She is also a British Horse Society AI instructor and specialises in dealing with nervous horses – and nervous owners.

Georgina said: “I do equestrian confidence sessions aimed at helping horses and riders work in harmony.

Most people can talk to riders and get their side of the situation, but I can communicate with the horses too and see it from their point of view. The communication comes in several ways. I can receive thoughts, hear them speaking to me and I also get very vivid images conveyed to me.

“I have a real empathy with nervous horses and their owners and have had some amazing results.

By observing a horse and owner together, I can assess where changes can be made to help overcome blockages and discord. The smallest changes can have the greatest of results and what better way to get to the route of the problem than straight from the horse’s mouth.”

Young horses and rescue animals are one of Georgina’s specialities and she has a rather unique approach to their problems.

Georgina said: “I feel that an animal’s behaviour might not necessarily be related to what has happened to it in this life, but in a previous one. I believe we have all been on Earth before, some of us several times. A lifetime is only a ‘passing through’, because it obviously has a beginning and an end. There must be something either side of that and it’s my belief we live out several lives.

“Every animal has its own unique story to tell and this could involve behaviour or health issues or concerns about certain areas of their lives. By communicating with them I am able to help fill in the gaps of their previous time with a different owner, particularly in the case of rescue animals or horses that have had several homes. I’ve even has a case where a dog simply did not like its name. This was creating many problems, but by recognising the reasons behind its behaviour the situation was easily resolved.

“When I am meeting an animal for the first time I don’t like to have too much information about it, because that could possibly influence any thoughts I have. I prefer to have a blank canvas and start from scratch, that way I approach the problem from a totally unbiased point of view. I also write everything down, because what might seem irrelevant at the time could later turn out to be the vital part of the jigsaw. I also don’t need to know the problem. The animal will tell me. I just want to see it happy.”

However, one important point Georgina stresses is that she is not a vet.

She said: “If an animal needs veterinary treatment then I would urge the owners to take it to a vet immediately. I am not a vet. I deal with the psychological side of animals and I have always had this ability to communicate with them and receive messages through conversation, pictures, smells, tastes, emotions and feelings. I can’t explain it. I discovered it as a child and it has continued throughout my adult life.”

However, in certain circumstances, she will use her non-invasive powers as a healer to rectify problems.

Amazingly she also claims to be able to disgnose problems through simply looking at a photograph of the subject animal, although in that case she needs some basic information about it and its owner.

If you want to know more about the abilities of Georgina Cotgreave, she is appearing at Your Horse Live at Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, from November 7-9. Her website or telephone 07989 747686.