MORE than 1,000 letters allowing people to voice their opinions and concerns on proposals for mass housing development in Malvern were distributed in just one day.

Members of the newly-formed Action for the Future of Malvern group handed out ‘model’ letters to passers-by in the town centre and at British Camp on Saturday.

The letters allowed people to have their say on the 1,600 new homes proposed for Malvern by the South Worcestershire Joint Core Strategy (SWJCS) - a combined working group of Malvern Hills, Worcester City and Wychavon Councils formed to meet Government targets for new housing by 2020.

More than 100 signed and completed letters were returned on the day and they will be passed on to the SWJCS along with any others received before a period of public consultation ends on Friday, October 31.

As well as handing out letters campaigners also collected more than 700 signatures on a petition against the general principal of mass development in Malvern.

A public meeting to discuss the SWJCS proposals takes place at Dyson Perrins CE Sports College tomorrow evening.

For more information on Action for the Future of Malvern visit or to find out more about the SWJCS log on to