POOR old Mike Foster.

The Worcester MP has seen his workload (not to mention his salary) soar since being made a Government minister.

But desperate to show ordinary constituents he hasn’t forgotten them, Mr Foster is keeping his weekends packed with meet-and-greet-type activities around Worcester.

Just this week he hurried back from Whitehall late one night to spend a few hours walking the beat with a city policeman.

The MP dragged himself out of bed after just a few hours’ sleep and was shivering on a street corner by 8am, awaiting the bobby’s arrival.

As the minutes ticked by, however, the horrible truth became clear... Mr Foster had been stood up.

But what on earth could be more important than a photo-op with our incumbent MP?

“I’m investigating a murder in Malvern,” the missing policeman explained when a slightly-miffed Mr Foster gave him a call.

So much for priorities, eh...

TV STARDOM loomed for Mid-Worcestershire MP Peter Luff on Tuesday, as the media descended upon his Commons business and enterprise committee.

Journalists were enticed by the prospect of a first grilling for new business secretary Peter Mandelson since his Lazarus-like return to Government.

But any lingering pride the newly-crowned Lord might still feel at his appointment was quickly dispelled by committee chairman Mr Luff, who pointed out the position has been stripped of many responsibilities, including energy and science.

“Here you are, one of the most powerful men in Government, running a department that’s a shadow of its former self,” the Tory told him.

Back to earth with a bump, my Lord...

CELEBRATION time over in sleepy Herefordshire, where the county has won national recognition at last.

Herefordshire Council staff visited Downing Street to hear their county had beaten 10 other finalists to scoop second place in a prestigious Government award scheme.

So what was the prize up for grabs?

Best Use of Fruit In a Powerful Alcoholic Beverage? Most Cows Per Square Yard?

No, Herefordshire was actually runner-up in Enterprising Britain 2008, a scheme recognising our most innovative areas for business enterprise.

Improbably, the county’s success means it is now in the running to be crowned - stop laughing - the Enterprise Capital of Europe.

In fact, one judge was quoted as saying Herefordshire is now “one of the most exciting places in Britain to live and work”.

Now, far be it from me to suggest these people don’t get out much, but ...