THE dates have been announced for next year’s popular Worcester Music Festival.

Following on from the huge success of the 2008 Worcester Music Festival, the newly formed festival committee has announced that next year’s event will run from Friday, August 21, to Sunday, August 23.

Billed as “100 artists, 25 venues, one wonderful weekend…one wonderful city”, the second Worcester Music Festival will again aim to showcase the best of Worcester’s musical talent over the three-day period.

Lisa Ventura, chairman of the Worcester Music Festival committee, said: “Last year’s festival was extremely successful and we want to make next year’s even more so.

“We are looking for people to come forward and help us from bands and musicians, to sound engineers, promoters and volunteers to help out with handing out flyers, putting up posters, administration and more.

“We are also looking for sponsorship from local businesses and companies.

“This is your chance to be directly involved in the second Worcester Music Festival, so come and meet us at Keystones cafe bar in Copenhagen Street on Sunday, November 23.

“If you would like to help in any way, no matter how small your involvement, this is your chance.”

People who are interested in helping with the festival can drop in at Keystones from 4pm onwards and meet members of the festival committee.

The Worcester Music Festival was the brainchild of Chris Bennion who works by day at the Lea & Perrins factory in Worcester and who runs by night, – Worcester’s guide to gigs, shows and events.

It will once again run as part of next year’s Worcester Festival with approximately 25 venues scheduled to take part so far including The Marr’s Bar, Drummonds, Worcester Arts Workshop and Keystones, plus a whole host of other smaller venues.

Music will include rock, indie, punk, metal, folk, blues, ska, hip hop and much more and the majority of the shows will be free entry.

The festival will again be raising money for various local charities and further information on this will be released soon.

For information as it is released, visit worcester