A SCHEME to build three four-bedroom detached houses in the back gardens of existing properties in Malvern is being recommended for approval despite fierce objections from residents.

Malvern Hills District Council has received 32 letters from people living in the Cowleigh Road area concerning the proposal to create 10 underground garages and a new access at 98,98A and 100 Cowleigh Road.

Their main concerns are additional traffic, flooding, extra refuse, overdevelopment of the site and pedestrian safety.

One objector said “the only feasible use of the land is for allotments and to grow vegetables and flowers”.

Planning officer Andrew Moody says the site is big enough for the proposed development and argues the existing homes would not be too overlooked by the new houses.

Worcestershire Highways Partnership, Severn Trent Water and the council’s land drainage and flooding officer all said they had no objections.

The proposed houses are located on a hill and are single storey on one elevation and two storey when viewed from the opposite side.

The application will be discussed at the district council’s southern area development control committee on Wednesday.