MORE than 2,000 NHS dental places are still available in Worcester and Pershore.

Oasis Dental Care is offering a total of 2,300 new places for patients at its two county practices, which opened last year following £500,000 worth of investment.

The Worcester practice, in St Mary’s Street, can take an additional 750 NHS patients, on top of the 9,250 already registered, and the Pershore practice, in High Street, is offering a 1,550 extra places, on top of its 5,650 registered patients.

“There’s a popular belief that it’s impossible to access NHS dental treatment but it’s simply not true here,” said Detlev Tomaka, a dentist at the Worcester practice.

“Given the increasingly clear link between dental health and general health there is an urgent need to ensure people who need NHS treatment are made aware of the capacity that exists locally.”

Figures released by the NHS Information Centre show that in England, 30.8 per cent of children and 51.1 per cent of adults have not seen an NHS dentist in the last two years.

“Many people falsely believe they have to be on an NHS list in order to get NHS treatment,” said Richard Burgess, dentist at the Oasis practice in the High Street, Pershore, which may partly explain why fewer people are using the NHS.

“A few years ago, when NHS dental practices still operated a list, the opening of a new NHS dentist would spark a local panic and huge queues would form outside the practice.”

“The lists have gone, however. The perception is that if you didn’t get your name down when a practice opened you won’t be able to access dental treatment on the NHS – however, this just isn’t the case anymore,” added Mr Tomaka.

“We are keen to ensure that local residents are aware of the NHS places available at our practice and can benefit from the preventive dental care we offer in a relaxed and friendly environment.

"All people need to do is drop in or give us a call and we’ll be happy to make them an NHS appointment.”