The proliferation in recent years of cameras, hazard markings, white lines and reduced speed limits have steadily eroded my ability at getting from A to B in any reasonable time.

I am in desperate need of a refresher course. Could I through your column invite the lads at West Mercia Constabulary (who also need to hone their skills) to partake with me in a joint training exercise for our mutual benefit. I am happy to give them details of my route, description of car etc and act as hare - a sort of real simulation if you like. I think I might be able to better them on the motorway, after all 159 mph is pretty ordinary these days, but I could certainly find it a bit trickier to match the 84mph in the villages and towns, but I'm willing to try in the interests of sharpening my responses and getting more familiar with my car.

As the tax payers stump up the cash for the police vehicles (and their wages), do you think I could claim at least a tax rebate for helping them out?

Alan Boyes, Fladbury.