CONTINUING my letter May 22, 2003 re Regal Cinema - 'those who scrambled to place a Grade II listing on the building did not make equal efforts to ensure funding was in place for its continuance'.

Once again we have carping councillors who objected to the finest retail building in the area ie Tesco, approved the new Kamikaze roundabout at B and Q and are intent on lumbering us with an expressive Eaves statue, design not out to open competition or later public voting approval, now objecting to proposals to develop the Regal Cinema.

Stratford, Cheltenham and Worcester have multi plex cinemas. The intimacy of the Arts Centre and Pershore are also indicators of the way it has to go. To put penthouses on the roof with panoramic views across to the town park and the Bell Tower is inspirational. You can put me down for one right away.

Evesham has always solidly voted Conservative, touted as the champion of initiative and free enterprise and yet there is this dictionary of objection, objection, objection.

Port Street is a litter of unrelated architecture and closed businesses and again proposals to inject new life are being squashed. No wonder the man in the street feels helpless and politicians complain of apathy (which they have created).

ROGER MARTIN, Synehurst, Badsey.