IT may have been a bit over the top of sending home the pupil from Prince Henry High School because he wore brown shoes with his school uniform.

However, on the other hand most people will know that dress sense demands: With grey flannels and blazer one wears black shoes and not brown. Two weeks ago I went to a musical evening at the No 8 in Pershore.

Now most of the women had dressed up for the occasion some even wearing evening dress shawls. But the men, oh dear, oh dear men wearing a jacket and tie could be counted on the fingers on one hand.

Most men wore an open neck shirt, it would not have been too bad if they had worn a nice jacket with it. But no, they all came in an anorak or windcheater and a untidy motley lot they were.

I know, Pershore is only a provincial theatre but the men could have made a bit of an effort and dressed for the occasion - one does not go to the theatre every night of the week.

WOLFF WAHLE, Fairfield Road, Evesham.