GARDENING CLUB: The chairman welcomed members to the meeting and congratulated everyone for making the club's spring show such a successful and colourful event in spite of the inclement weather. Special thanks were given to Thelma Hunt, the show secretary, for her hard work and efficient organisation. Members of the club's quiz team were thanked for their endeavours at the interclub quiz, where they were in lead position up until the interval. Reminders were given about forthcoming outings including a visit to Stratford Garden Centre on May 3 when a demonstration on planting tubs and baskets will take place. The guest speaker, Kay Elliott, then treated members to a visual display of her colourful paintings of flowers. Kay had brought a number of attractive paintings with her as well as a collection of her beautiful greetings cards. One partially finished painting grew before members eyes as Kay added new dimensions to it through the use of pen and ink while at the same time amusing her audience with a lively commentary about her painting career.

The chairman thanked Kay for bringing her paintings to the club and for providing the unique experience of art in progress. The monthly competition, which was five stems of spring flowers, was won by Anne Suffield.

THE MICKLETON SOCIETY recently held its AGM. Paul Johnson was elected as chairman. Brian Crangle continues as secretary and Robert Brookes as treasurer. Committee members are Sandra Barlow, Phil Britt, Sheila Hilton, Sheila Roberts and Roy Slingsby.

The chairman reported another successful year with a wide range of interesting speakers, successful garden party, Christmas supper and summer outing to Madresfield Court.

Following the AGM, Edward Gillespiec, who is the managing director at Cheltenham Racecourse gave an enjoyable presentation covering the history of the races right up to the modern day. Edward further entertained members with many stories and anecdotes concerning various Royal visitors and Irish friends. Phil Britt gave a deserved vote of thanks.