PARISH COUNCIL: Affordable Housing - by a unanimous decision, the survey on affordable housing as suggested at last month's meeting by Mr Saunders, will not be taken further but reviewed in six months' time.

Financial Report - A financial statement was presented to the Council detailing the financial position of the Council. A cheque for £1,000 had been received from Wyre Piddle Parish Council in support of the gipsy appeal hearing.

Precept - A budget statement was presented showing the financial requirement for the year 2005/2006, which projected that the precept would need rise to £6,500.

Cllr Bishop wished to place on record that the loan of £200 had been returned by the events committee.

Cllr Floyd drew attention to drainage problems in the Manor Road area. Sanction was given to finally print the parish plan.

Cllr C Martin had received a complaint of dog fouling on the playing field caused by a parishioner's dogs. The clerk is to write to the individual concerned.

Mr Fred Bishop had produced a Christmas card depicting a local scene in 1947 on behalf of the council. Arrangements for printing and delivering the card and parish plan are to be made.

The date of the next meeting is February 3, 2005.