THE Great Escape sees gamers control four characters from the film: Hendley, Sedgwick, MacDonald and Hilts.

Gamers are constantly captured and on the run. First it's a matter of escaping from a basic camp and hiding from guards behind crates.

As the game progresses, so the difficulty increases. Gamers will be put in harder, more exciting predicaments.

At one stage gamers must escape from a train with blind Blythe, guiding him every step of the way. Other stages see gamers driving around in vehicles from tanks, trucks, planes and the infamous motorbike!

Graphically, The Great Escape is brilliant as search lights illuminate dark areas of the camp. What sets this apart from most games is the escape is not just confined to prisoner of war camps and there is a variety of tasks for each level.

Gamers are unsure what will happen next - steal a uniform, escape via the ventilation or create a distraction? Even camp inspections take place so gamers must conceal hiding places!

The only let down is the length of the game and the poor shooting system.

Missions are on the whole fairly short, although challenging, and trying to aim is poor.

The gun automatically locks onto the enemy but there is no freedom to aim unless the gamer switches to a first person view.

Overall this is an excellent game.