As County Councillor for the north Cotswolds I have attended a lot of Gloucestershire Police Liaison meetings where I have been told that the closure of rural police stations does not affect the service offered to the public; apparently modern policing can be handled more efficiently from a centralised control centre.

I don't believe this, the public I represent don't believe this, most of the police Officers I talk to privately don't believe this but we have to put up with it. I thought your readers might be interested in this small example of police indifference to the public they serve. Last Tuesday I was stuck in gridlocked traffic on the B4632 through Winchcombe, the hold-up was caused by a massive articulated lorry trying to get up the narrow street.

Eventually he got through by lifting a parked car up by its wing and causing considerable damage. He didn't stop, I have no idea if he came back later but it seems unlikely. I took the registration number and the operator's telephone number further up the road. I intended to pass it on to the parked car owner when I passed through the next day. I have not seen the car parked there again so I decided to phone the police and give the details.

After waiting about ten minutes I got an operator who told me I would have to take my documents to Stow on the Wold police station, ten miles away. He also told me I would have to take all my driving documents although I wasn't involved at all. He refused to take my details on the phone and said that he could get someone to phone back but they would only tell me the same thing. If Chipping Campden police Station was open this would be easy, even with the restricted hours they used to operate. I am astonished that they expect me to do a twenty mile round trip, particularly as the last time I went to Stow the Police Station was closed due to staff shortages, creating a wasted journey.

If your car was damaged last week, and you don't know who did it, get in touch and I'll give you the details. Unfortunately the Police aren't interested.

Julie Girling, County Councillor, North Cotswold Division.