A KIDDERMINSTER-based singer songwriter is celebrating the release of his single, which is dedicated to the memory of a well-loved comedian.

Ian Passey performs under the name The Humdrum Express and his track, Out With the in Crowd, has been available to download since Monday.

It has been dedicated to Ronnie Barker, who died on Monday, October 3, as the musician has sampled one of the comedian's lines from the television show Porridge on the track.

He said: "It was a shame when he died. I was very upset. I think his name is more worthy of a mention than mine."

The former Bewdley High School student was a member of Kidderminster bands, Jackpot and Swagger, during the mid-90s.

After taking a break for several years to write a book titled Dig the Dogma, the Cherry Orchard resident returned to music as The Humdrum Express 18 months ago.

"The name can have quite a few meanings, like a train, a newspaper or to describe something in a less glamorous way, which is how I like to look at it. I like to play under a name because it gives me the option to form a group under the same name."

Inspired by the likes of Joe Strummer, Billy Childish, Tony Hancock and Michael Moore, he recorded the album All Aboard, which he released himself in May,

The musician, who does all his recording at home, said: "I play all the instruments myself. It is easier when it is just you to record."

The single can be downloaded from iTunes, Napster, Virgin and Chromium Records.

For further information visit www.thehumdrumexpress.co.uk