MIA Dolan is one of the UK's top women whose work has taken her from private readings and ghost busting to psychic demonstrations in front of hundreds of people.

Her abilities have made her one of the most sought-after psychics in the country.

She will be appearing at The Playhouse, Cheltenham, for a two-hour intimate evening demonstrating her unique gift and revealing the difficult yet life-transforming journey she has undertaken on her psychic path. Brought up in a working-class family on the Isle of Sheppey, Mia Dolan had her first out-of-body experience at the age of 12. At the age of 22, her spirit guide began to talk to her and showed her how to use her clairvoyance as well providing fascinating insights into the nature of the Afterlife.

Mia's life has been touched by tragic experiences - she lost a son while still in his teens and foresaw the murder of her brother. Her most unusual and intriguing readings include predictions she made for the The Sun and Daily Mirror about Diana, Princess of Wales, and her experience at the scenes of the murders of Jill Dando and Rachel Nickell for the Daily Mail.

"I wish there was some way I could share my ability to see things other people can't" says Mia. "We all have a guide, but not everyone can see or hear theirs. I've no idea what opened up the link between Eric and me but I consider it a gift."

An accomplished author, her first biographical book The Gift reached number four in The Sunday Times best-seller list and has sold in excess of 85,000 copies. Her second book, Mia's World, is about to be published in paperback and a new TV series and accompanying book - Haunted Homes - hits screens in 2006. Mia was also guest psychic on ITV1's This Morning throughout the summer of 2005.

An evening with Mia Dolan is this Friday, at 7.30pm at the Playhouse, Cheltenham.