Most of us in business like to feel we are keeping ahead of the competition - running our organisation efficiently, with our eyes on every opportunity to improve what we do and the way we do it.

There are endless business gurus extolling their theories on management and business today but a couple of authors from the Institute of International Business at the Stockholm School of Economics have produced an interesting publication called "Funky Business".

So what is funky about business? Their definition explains that funky business requires a constant search for differentiation -and that doesn't mean just adding a few extras to your product - this no longer works - organisations, services and products are becoming more and more similar.

The new competitive battlefield in the motor industry for example is not to do with the engine, it is the design, the warranty, the service deal, the image and the finance purchase. It is about intelligence and intangibles - but most of all people. People can make your organisation, your products and your service solutions unique.

Creativity in business is more important than ever before, creating that uniqueness that sets us apart from our competitors. We need to be different, look different and work in new ways.

This need for constant renewal to keep up with the awesome speed that business is developing around us also means the way we lead and manage is more important than ever before.

The talent of the individuals we employ is the most central resource we have. It is these people who really differentiate us from others.

How we attract, retain and motivate our people - how we treat our customers and suppliers - how we lead and manage are the issues today.

The days of the long service corporate man, are gone - last years job description may not be relevant next year - so our people need to be flexible and we need to feed them with more skills to equip them for the changing landscape.

Average never wins. Normal equals nothing. To succeed our gurus say, "we must stop being so goddamn normal".

So is your business funky?

This book may leave you slightly breathless - but it's worth a read to find out. (Funky Business by Jonas Ridderstrale & Kjell Nordstrom)