Until November 12

Minnie, Plum and Bash Street UR 50.

Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum.

Until November 27

Worcester Society of Artists

The annual exhibition of members work at the Worcester City Art Gallery, Foregate Street, Worcester.

Until December 1

Worcester Society of Botanical Artists

An exhibition of botanical work at The Gallery and Picture Framing at Bevere, Bevere Lane, Worcester.

November 8-23

Cathedral Artist-in-Residence

An exhibition of work by Jayne Gaze at Worcester Cathedral.


How Far is it to Bethlehem?

Nativity Creche from around the world in the Dean's Chapel, Worcester Cathedral, Worcester.


Woodturning Exhibition

The Heritage Centre, St Richard's House, Victoria Square, Droitwich. From 10am to 4pm, from Monday to Saturday.