British summertime might only have officially ended on October 30, but the Christmas countdown started way before the clocks went back for winter. But it need not be a stressful time - there are ways round it.

Advent calendars and bumper chocolate tins are on the shelves and Santa's grotto won't be far behind. Yes, the festive season is upon us and even those organised souls who spend the rest of their year happily juggling the demands of work, friends and family often come a cropper.

The stress of planning means most people put it off until the last minute, but a bit of organisation now can reduce the pressures.

Stress-free shopping: Most people love nothing more than indulging in the odd spending spree, but the thought of Christmas shopping, queues, crowds and that lengthy list of presents for long-lost relatives can leave people trembling in their winter boots. Make a list and stick to it.

When shopping, focus on one 'group' at a time. Get into children/man/auntie mode so that you're in the right frame of mind. Save a day's holiday at work or book a morning off in advance and get your shopping done on a quiet Monday morning. Try booking a free personal shopper. They'll know what's in store and give you advice

If ordering presents by mail order, or online, ensure the goods will arrive by Christmas - 28 days is the longest you will usually be expected to wait.

Avoid the crowds and shop over the phone or internet. Many companies will deliver by post to the recipient. Keep all your Christmas receipts in an envelope, so that you can find them easily.

The trimmings: So the food and presents are under your belt, but no Christmas is complete without the trimmings. And it's often those extras that are left until the last minute. Bring your tree into the house no more than two weeks prior to Christmas. Keep it outside in water until you're ready to decorate it.

Pick holly in mid to late November or early December, while the berries are still ripe. Put the stems into a bucket of damp sand and cover the top of the holly with a cloth - this keeps it fresh and prevents frost damage.

Before you buy new decorations, check what you want to use from last year and ensure Christmas lights are still working

If you lack the time to buy new decorations, liven up old baubles with a can of metallic spray paint.