The '40s and '50s currently have a starring role in fashion. As you rediscover your feminine side with stiletto heels and pencil skirts, why not complete the Hollywood starlet transformation with some luxuriously packaged products? From sexy shimmer powders to luxe and lush creams, add a touch of glimmer and shimmer as you shake'em up with those ladylike looks!

Look every inch the Hollywood star by investing in a chic streamlined palette.

Paul & Joe Sparkles don't just look like they belong to yesteryear - they also do the job. The nostalgic antique-looking packaging conceals moisturising lipstick (choose from Antique Lace, Roasted Chestnut or Pink Pearl) and face colour powder - pale pink Ballet Shoes, Golden Olive or light lilac Antique Jewellery. Each costs £13 from

Pout's Shimmer Dust (above), £14, and Beauty Babes Dusting Powders in Yummy Strawberry Shortcake, Wicked White Chocolate And Mint, and Scrummy Raspberry Pavlova, £7.99 for three, from Superdrug, are bargain finds.

Lulu Guinness' Luxurious Dusting Powder (above), £36, from Hqhair (, and Taste Powdered Sugar Deliciously Kissable Body Shimmer, £27 from Hqhair and Pout (020 7379 0379/, are indulgent buys.

The newest fragrance from the exclusive E Coudray skincare range, Ambre Et Vanille (amber and vanilla), smells delicious - slather on the Perfumed Body Cream or Perfumed Body Oil. Prices start from £19.50, available via mail order through Les Senteurs (020 7730 2322).