GARDEN CLUB: The Garden Club met, as usual, on the fourth Wednesday of the month and very much enjoyed their two speakers, Ingrid and John Millington, as they showed slides and demonstrated the art of growing primulas and auriculas.

There was talk about the special service held in the village hall the previous Saturday when, on the theme of Creation, family pets accompanied their owners and everybody was given a packet of sunflower seeds which were to be taken home and grown for presentation at the harvest festival in St James' Church in September.

Club members, whose support of the appeal fund for the proposed new village hall has been an example to the village, were again being encouraged to buy tickets for the forthcoming concert, Born to Swing, which is planned for this Sunday night. This is another Shindig production and, if it is of the same high standard as the previous shows, will be very popular.

A day visit to Kew is being planned for Sunday, July 30 and it is possible that this will be open to non-members ... readers need to be aware of this and to watch out for the announcement if interested.

PANCAKE SUPPER: The pancake supper planned for Shrove Tuesday evening in St James' Church was all set for another success, tables prepared at the west end of the church and cooks and waitresses posed for service, when the lights went out and all the electric power failed. Disaster threatened, but, using the Christmas candles unearthed from their storage place, there was soon enough light on the scene to enable a takeaway service to be put in place. Thanks to the quick thinking, and the generosity of patrons who arrived on the scene and good-humouredly bought the cold pancakes for heating and eating at home, the event raised £85 for the Children's Society.