The value of swimming is recognised by canine hydrotherapist Jeanette Flitcroft. with the establishment of "Splash Paws Canine Hydrotherapy" in Astwood Bank.

Jeanette has many years experience with dogs and has seen how hydrotherapy can help keep an animal fit and healthy as well as dealing with specific problems. It is a technique that has been used for many years in the training of racehorses and in particular to treat animals that have been hurt or injured.

The water enables the dog to exercise without putting strain on bones or joints and is excellent for older animals or those with conditions such as hip displasia, arthritis, spinal injuries and other joint, bones or muscle problems. Another benefit of hydrotherapy is that most dogs enjoy swimming and even those that are not used to going into water usually adapt very quickly and take to it like ducks - or should that be a dog to water.

A hoist is available to lower the dog into the heated pool and the animal can either swim in the hoist, with a lifejacket, lead and collar or swim free.

Tailor made swimming programmes are geared to the need of each "patient"

It is the combination of warmth and weightlessness that make it such an excellent treatment providing exercise for muscles that have not have been used in years whilst improving circulation and avoiding pain.

An initial assessment is made of the suitability of hydrotherapy and which programme is most likely to help the dog.

Fact File


Splash Paws


Jeanette Flitcroft

Business Type:

Canine Hydrotherapy


01527 894937

Exercise & Treatment for dogs