War poets Siegfried Sasson and Wilfred Owen are done justice by this week's production of Not About Heroes at Hereford Courtyard.

Seasoned actor Robert Gwilym (Casualty fans will be swooning in their seats) is a fine oak to Christopher Dickins' sapling Owen; the two perfectly cast in a see-sawing relationship which sees the former bring the younger poet on in confidence.

You don't have to know about history or have literary leanings towards poetry to enjoy this play, you just need to understand human relationships or be willing to increase your understanding.

In the capable hands of director Estelle van Warmelo, the play unfurls beautifully, the humour and pace of Act One - wherein the soldiers meet at Craiglockhart Hospital - carrying you forth into Act Two where the grim world of trench warfare encases you.

In an incredibly moving, tangible piece of timeless contemporary theatre you become aware that this is what the Courtyard does best; while at the same time appreciating that this is what good theatre is all about. The production ran until May 27 in the Studio. JH