The latest Limited Edition Ladies' Lunch took place on May 17, with 40 ladies in attendance at Minh's Cantonese restaurant in Hagley. Minh's, which is located on the upper floor of the West One wine bar and restaurant, offers authentic Cantonese cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere, and the ladies were able to sample a selection of delicious dishes served in a buffet style before enjoying excellent wine, coffee and tempting desserts.

The Oriental theme continued after lunch with a fascinating talk from Feng Shui consultant Peter Stott. Peter - who with his wife, Jillian, practises a range of subjects including Chinese astrology and dowsing - spoke about positive and negative energies in the home and offered ten top tips on how changing your home can change your life.

A raffle was also held, raising £161 for our usual charity - Ladies Fighting Breast Cancer - and taking the total raised through Ladies' Lunches this year to £5,815. Sue MacMaster was pleased to announce that LFBC had reached their previous target, to raise money for a £70,000 mobile mammogram trailer for Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The group officially presented the trailer to hospital representatives on May 5.

LFBC's next project is to raise cash for a top-of-the-range ultra-sound scanner for the hospital. The machine is capable of taking 3-D colour images for a more accurate diagnosis, and can cost as much as £150,000.

The next two Ladies' Lunches - at The Country Girl and Brockencote Hall - are already full, but if you would like to be included on the mailing list for forthcoming events, please contact Carol Hinett on 01527 889032.