Aqua Detox has seen a huge increase in popularity over the past few years, changing from a little-known alternative therapy to a tried and tested method endorsed by scientific and medical research. Local practitioner Linda Ormerod can recommend it to others on a very personal basis - she came across the treatment whilst undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer, and found that it lessened the side-effects significantly.

Having been introduced to Aqua Detox by her sister Jayne, a beautician, who had seen it advertised at beauty shows, Linda had one treatment and was so impressed she bought a machine for herself. And her experience is not unique - when she began treating others, including other women having chemotherapy, she found that they also benefited both physically and mentally.

"Aqua Detox helps to eliminate toxins from the body, so it is ideal for people having chemotherapy," explains Linda. "The toxins can leave the body much faster than they would normally, which means that it can heal and recover as from the side-effects much more quickly."

The treatment involves "bio-energetic stimulation", which in more accessible terms means that when the feet are immersed in water in a special unit, a flow of electrons creates an energy field corresponding to that of the user. This enables "bio-energetic resonance" to travel through the body, allowing toxins to exit through the pores in the soles of the feet.

"It used to be seen as very much an alternative therapy, but even though most doctors still don't prescribe it, they are no longer so reluctant to allow their patients to try it out," Linda says. "There's more recognition now that alternative treatments can work in conjunction with conventional medicine."

As well as removing toxins and oxygenating the blood, Aqua Detox has been shown to promote relaxation, increase energy levels and promote a general feeling of well-being.

"I asked my own oncologist whether it was suitable and she agreed that I could try it," adds Linda. "I think it's important to feel that you're doing something positive about your disease, and it certainly helped me to know that I was doing everything I could to get better."

Linda also found that various other natural remedies were beneficial when recovering from chemotherapy. "I wore anti-travel-sickness wrist bands for three days after each session - the hospital does give you anti-sickness tablets to take but I used the bands instead, and they really do work," she points out. She says ginger biscuits or sweets also help with nausea.

Linda also took homeopathic tablets designed to protect vital organs in the body that can be adversely affected by chemotherapy.

"I suppose you can't really measure how much good it did, but every little helps, and it's a good idea to take every precaution. Also, in terms of my general health, shortly after treatment had finished, I looked and felt great!"

Talking to other breast cancer sufferers was another support that Linda found helpful, particularly within a group called Bosom Pals, which meets every six to eight weeks. Group members are happy to give advice and support to anyone recently diagnosed or undergoing treatment - contact Linda for details.

Positive thinking is another key aspect in dealing with cancer and its treatment, and Linda has applied this ethos to her Aqua Detox sessions with her own motto: "Life is a succession of moments; to live each one is to succeed."

Linda is now based at Elite Performing Arts in Bromsgrove, where she offers Aqua Detox to people of all ages.

"Prevention is better than cure, so treat the inside of your body as well as the outside."

To book an Aqua Detox session or for details of Bosom Pals call Linda direct on 07734 971108.