Just off Four Ashes Road, Dorridge, a hidden treasure is waiting to be discovered. Hogarths Hotel and Restaurant is a privately owned establishment situated in 23 acres of secluded and picturesque woodland.

Formerly known as Moat Manor, the hotel was bought a couple of years ago by Helena Hogarth. Since then, the interior has been completely refurbished to create a luxurious, relaxing place to stay, dine or simply pop in to have a drink.

With more than a hint of a smile, Helena happily relates the tale of how she came to buy, develop and run one of the region's leading hotel and restaurant destinations. Given that she grew up in Birmingham and that her family was steeped in the hotel trade, Helena's route to success was somewhat circuitous.

After realising that her passion was hotel life, the hunt began for a suitable property in which to live out that dream. As her childhood love was all things equestrian, an opportunity to purchase a property with easy access to excellent horse riding facilities was a lifelong ambition. Fortunately the backdrop for the hotel is Solihull Riding School, which means that Helena is never too far away from her childhood memories.

It is hard to believe that Hogarths Hotel and Restaurant is less than a mile from Junction 4 of the M42 and the Midlands' busy motorway network. The grounds are steeped in history, with the idyllic 'kissing bridge' often used as a perfect setting for wedding photographs.

The aim of the hotel is simple and distinct, yet needs a precise manner to deliver. The expanding team delivers completely on what the management set out to achieve. The hotel prides itself on an eye for detail and discreet yet courteous service and Helena sees the hotel as a country house with a contemporary twist.

"I am extremely proud of my team," says Helena. "There is certainly a real family feel to how they support and look out for each other, which is relayed to the guests when they visit us."

The hotel's style is testament to a woman with a discerning eye for taste and quality. The building is dotted with artefacts and personal touches that spark comment and catch the eye. Rooms are themed through the months of the year, which is often the reason the guests keep coming back to stay at the hotel.

Colour is an important driver - April and May, for instance, are lighter rooms, in pale blues, reflecting and inspired by the surroundings such as the thick beds of bluebells about to issue forth. The rooms are an integral part of the exclusive offering that is Hogarths.

As well as refurbishing the rooms with the help of a top interior designer, the hotel has installed a cocktail bar and refurbished the restaurant. The menu is of the highest quality, with attention to detail throughout the varied dishes. Ingredients are purchased locally and are of the freshness you would expect from a high-class establishment.

After just two short years in charge, Helena has ensured that the hotel's success story is spreading rapidly.

Hogarths Hotel and Restaurant, Four Ashes Road, Dorridge, Near Solihull. B93 8QE.

Tel: 01564 779988 www.hogarths.co.uk