1 & 2. Artists from Russia and Hretton Sugwas. Left is exhibition organiser and representative of the Formula Tanden Art Foundation Svetlana Tevor (Chudakova) and (right) Herefordshire artist Peter Manders.

3. Hereford Cathedral organist and director of music Geraint Bowen ended up looking ever so slightly -- but appropriately -- ecclesiastical after running the London Marathon. He completed the run in four hours 23 mins and raised more than £10,000 for Oxfam.

4. Colwall poet Norman Buller (right) at the an intimate reading to launch his debut collection, Travelling Light, hosted by the Mayor of Hereford, Councillor Marcelle Lloyd-Hayes, with Dr Simon

Jenner from Waterloo Press, which published the collections.

5. Worcester estate agent Andrew Grant, left, hands over the ancient office of High Sheriff of Herefordshire and Worcestershire to the former head of the SAS, Sir John Foley, at a ceremony at Worcester Crown Court.

6. Sir John is congratulated on his appointment as High Sheriff of Herefordshire and Worcestershire by his wife, Lady Foley.