Gymnastics is a very popular sport at The Alice Ottley School in Worcester. It is taught during the school day as part of the PE curriculum and there are also thriving after-school clubs for students in the senior school and from year two upwards in the junior school.

As well as girls who enjoy the activity for its own sake, there are those who like to take part in competitions and groups of AO gymnasts are regularly to be found in local, area and national contests. The competitions are quite an adventure for the girls as they sometimes have to travel to different parts of the country to participate.

One highlight of 2006 was the Girls Independent Schools Gymnastics Association Competition in Surrey, at which the Alice Ottley U-13 team finished fourth out of 16 UK teams, plus entries from Brussels and the Netherlands. One of the team members had the extra accolade of being judged the fifth best individual gymnast.

In the Midlands Independent Schools Gymnastics Competition, in Birmingham, the U-11 team came third in their category, the U-13 novice team came second in theirs and the U-13 advanced team were the outright winners of their section for the second year running.