Christmas is always a magical time but probably one of the most stressful as we go overboard in making sure everything's just perfect.

There's presents to buy, cards to write, the house to clean and decorations to put up - while, for many, looking after excitable offspring. No wonder you end up frazzled and exhausted! But it doesn't have to be that way. By scaling down your ambitions and planning ahead, you can survive the festive season - and even enjoy it! Here's a few tips to reduce those stress levels.

Scale down your ambitions: It might be nice to do all your own baking and make holly wreaths, but when you're busy working, shop-bought treats and decorations will do just as well.

Don't try to send cards to absolutely everyone in your address book. Friends and family will understand if you're feeling overwhelmed.

Simplify the present buying: Little children probably don't need as many presents as you think. Just choose a few things they will really enjoy and stick at that. You'll cut down on cost, stress, even wrapping!

Shop online: Herefordshire is rich in choice when it comes to Christmas shopping but sometimes there just isn't the time. You'll avoid the crowds, won't have to queue at tills for half the afternoon - and many of the areas shops have their own websites anyway!

Share the workload: Invite your guests to bring hors d'oeuvres or desserts to your seasonal party instead of trying to do it all yourself.

Invent your own traditions: Make sure they are ones you can keep, like going for a walk after Christmas dinner or seeing a pantomime.

Simple traditions, like wrapping presents together, can really count for

Give yourself a break: It's hard to do, but it will really help. Schedule time for yourself. Go for a swim, meet a friend for coffee, read a book - anything.

If you are relaxed, your family, particularly the children, will probably be more relaxed too. And that's the best starting point for having a very happy Christmas.

See the festive season through a child's eyes: Moderation is the key. A simple trip to see the Christmas lights or a small family party might be enough for a baby or tot. Don't go overboard with big celebrations and preparations that go on a whole month.