ON the assumption Mr Mandep Sohal Rice's letter (Your Letters, June 3) is not a crafty editor's ploy to introduce a subject other than dogs to the Gazette's correspondence columns, I will treat it seriously.

Mr Rice is complaining of the sound of a peal of change-rung bells on a Sunday. If he is around on another day in the week, he may hear the bellringers' practising this centuries-old art unique to the Church of England (and Verona too, I believe).

If this is "religious imperialism" it is not very insistent. Certainly not when compared to the muezzin's five-times-a-day, seven-days-a-week call from four points round the minaret's high balcony - usually much amplified by ancient tannoys and calculated to make you jump out of your 5am bed in terror the first time you hear it.

In this sense, Islam is certainly not a peaceful religion, even though it forbids bells and music of any kind within the mosque (like the Quakers, actually).

After the initial shock, it is possible to appreciate Muezzin's vocal skills in the call to prayer and I would advise Mr Rice that he could learn to appreciate what I wish I myself knew more about.

C R Cheeseman, Wells Road, Malvern.