THE gap between now and pre-season is an important time for several players to recuperate from injuries, bumps and bruises.

One of those is Danny McDonnell, whose recent hernia operation went successfully. Those sort of surgeries are pretty straight-forward, so I did not expect there to be too much trouble.

Danny's injury was causing him bother in the last few games and it was something he could have played on with, but we needed to get him done now, rather than in the middle of next season.

He will be in 100 per cent shape for next season and that's great. It's important Danny is fit for the start because he's a key player for us.

Rob Warner may need to have a scan, just to find out if there is a medial ligament problem or not. Rob's injury is the only real concern we have at the moment.

It's important he has it checked out now as a precaution, because if there is a serious problem with his knee, we can book him in for an operation as soon as possible.

Rob is another key player who suffered with a niggling foot injury during the season, which obviously knocked him back. If we can get Rob fit, I'm certain we'll see a lot more from him.

Tom Warmer had a calf problem at the end of last season, but he seems to be OK with nothing major to worry about.

The summer's rest will also do a lot of good for Adam Webster. He's played for a long time with a slight ankle injury, but he can now put the strength back into it and Webby's got exercises to do.

Another one of our strikers, Christian Moore, is still talking to a couple of clubs interested in him. It's up to Christian to see whether they appeal to him or not.

Something may happen in the next week or so, but it's his decision to make and there is no pressure being put on him. He has a decision to make and I'm sure he will do what's best.

We've already arranged a lot of pre-season friendlies for St George's Lane and we will take them all very seriously in preparation for the new season.

They give me an opportunity to look at the players and try a few new things.

The visit of Carlisle United on July 14 is a great fixture for me personally, for obvious reasons. It's also a good fixture for the club, in financial terms, and a very good test for the players.

Carlisle have a great travelling support and I'm sure they will bring a few with them, although the fixture is on a Thursday evening.

We also entertain Oxford United on Tuesday, August 2, and it's another connection for me. Brian Talbot is their manager and I knew him well when he was the boss at Oldham Athletic.

When I was managing Bury, he really needed a physio and eventually took ours. Since then, we've kept in touch and he knows we do things right at Worcester.