WE had a parish poll to stop the new Waitrose store being built in its current location. The result was overwhelmingly in favour of placing any supermarket on the Kidderminster Road.

This poll was ignored. The poll only appeared to be about housing at Kidderminster Road, but everyone knew that it was about a supermarket location.

We can only hope that the store suffers accordingly and that people boycott this blot on the landscape. The location has destroyed Droitwich and the use of the potential marina intended to be opposite.

The sooner the store closes the better for Droitwich. Demolishing this building would be the only way forward, as it looks so obnoxious that it could not be redeveloped as something useful.

It was a black day for Droitwich when this happened and I hope that all involved get their fingers well and truly burnt.

JL Brant, Clifford Road, Droitwich