THE French rejection of the EU constitutional treaty surely indicates, once and for all, the abject folly of the so-called "European Project".

The French "left wing" objects that the treaty is too far inclined to the right while the French "right wing" objects that it leans too far to the left.

At the same time the British complain that the whole thing is a Gallic conspiracy while the French fear it for being an Anglo-Saxon (that is British and American) plot.

What a total farce. Perhaps politicians across the continent of Europe will now begin to see, as the people already have seen, that it's just not possible to take 25 disparate cultures and mould them into one transparent identity called "European".

The French "yes" campaign even claimed before the vote that France had "founded Europe in 1950" - what utter nonsense, Europe is a continent of sovereign countries and the EU pact has no relevance to the vast majority of people, hence the French rejection.

No doubt the dictators in Brussels will attempt to enforce the elements of the treaty bit by bit without anyone noticing. It's clear they favour democracy only if the "correct" answer is given when the people are asked.

It was also interesting to note Tony Blair's reaction the French rejection - "we must take time to reflect on this". Would he have said the same thing if the French people had given the "correct" answer of "yes"? I doubt it very much indeed.

