WEATHEROAK held their spring group meeting at Hopwood Village Hall on April 13. As members arrived, hostesses from Hopwood WI, wearing overalls and hard hats, greeted them.

The hall had lots of notices such as might appear on a building site. It was a tight fit to get almost 80 members and hostesses into the hall but it was well worth it for a great evening's entertainment.

Speaker Rev Heather Flack, of Kings Norton Parish Church, showed slides and gave a detailed account of the Old Grammar School and Saracens Head buildings in Kings Norton.

These had been one of the projects featured on the BBC Restoration programme, and had won. This has given funding to save these two fantastic buildings but they still have to raise a certain proportion of the costs. It was a most a most interesting talk and triggered memories for several members.

Eleanor Barrett, a member of the Federation Executive Committee spoke about Denman College in Oxfordshire. She had just returned from the College, where she had stayed in the self-catering holiday cottage. She was enthusiastic in recommending it as a place to go on holiday and as a venue, which offers a wide range of courses to WI members and now to non-members.

After tea, members of Hopwood WI performed two amusing sketches, one on the chemical analysis of a woman and he other a version of The Weakest Link.

Margaret Gardner, of Alvechurch WI, won the Rose Bowl for her entry in the competition 'My Most Meaningful Treasure,' with a postcard sent to her by her soldier father from France before Dunkirk. The speaker judged this by lantern light as part of the lighting had failed.

The group is holding a craft demonstration day on Thursday, June 23 at Alvechurch Village Hall from 2.30-4.30pm and also in the evening. Everyone is welcome. The group walk, when 90 members are required to walk one mile each, takes place on September 15. This is to celebrate the 90th birthday of WIs in Britain.