PRESIDENT Delice Bayliss welcomed members to the May meeting and apologies were received from four members. The minutes were read, approved and signed.

Matters arising included a report from Jenny Cox on a possible theatre visit to Birmingham but tickets were expensive and no decision was made.

Pam Hewitson reported on the spring outing to Spetchley Gardens on a very chilly evening. The gardens were beautiful, full of unusual plants and very colourful. This had been followed by a lovely supper, including homemade apple pie and cream.

Delice said that the nearly new sale had raised £180 and the remaining goods had been taken to St Richards Hospice and Macmillan Nurses. She thanked everyone who had helped.

Miriam Tilt and Delice Bayliss had attended the Presidents and Secretaries Group Meeting to share ideas before the Group changes in October. It had been decided the new name would be The Lenchton, Redditch and Saltway Group.

Invitations had been received from Oak Apple WI to join them for a quiz and strawberries evening on June 21 and from the Science Club for a riverside walk and supper on July 4. Jenny Cox won the Denman draw with Doreen Baker reserve.

In 1995, speaker Steve Tonry had joined eleven other intrepid travellers on a trek in Uzbekistan and Tejikistan. They flew to Tashkent and then relied on three guides and a mile train to explore the rugged and beautiful countries. His photography of the people and the scenery were amazing and members asked many questions. Rosemary Roberts gave the vote of thanks.

Betty Curthoys won the competition with her Greek doll; Judy Smith was second with a Russian doll and Ann Edger third with her French doll. Margaret Humphries won the raffle.

The next meeting on June 8 includes a talk by Mike Jones on bee keeping and honey and the competition is a written honey recipe.

The meeting hopes to encourage new members and visitors to join, with a display of craft and what the institute has to offer.