REDDITCH Magistrates have fined two residents for benefit fraud after prosecutions bought by the council.

Darrell Baldwin, 30, of Winyates, pleaded guilty to two offences of fraudulently claiming housing benefit and council tax benefit between January 12 and March 31, 2004, when he had started work.

Baldwin was fined £50 for each offence, ordered to pay £100 towards the prosecution costs and ordered to repay the overpaid benefits through a compensation order.

In a second case, Steven Furniss, 33, of Church Hill, pleaded guilty to two offences of fraudulently claiming housing benefit and council tax benefit between April 2003 and July 2004, when he had started work.

Furniss was fined £160 for each offence, ordered to pay £350 prosecution costs and a compensation order of £2,500.

A spokesman for Redditch Council's benefit fraud section said: "These two cases show the council is committed to making sure the correct benefit is paid to those entitled to it and that we take action when we suspect fraud is taking place.

"Anyone claiming benefits must tell the council of any changes to their personal circumstances as soon as possible so the correct payments can be made."

The council's benefit fraud hotline is 534164 and the national fraud hotline is 0800 328 6340.