CLEARLY N Taylor is somewhat confused, (Letters, Friday May 20).

I would suggest he reads the headlines over his letter carefully. I quote "It's a China crisis for the UK." One can only compare like with like, e.g. on sovereign state, in its entirety, with another sovereign state, in its entirety.

In my letter of Thursday, May 5 I referred to the density of population of the UK sovereign entity, not merely to a part thereof, as N Taylor has done. It is the whole picture, which matters.

Is this correspondent attempting to blind us with science? Of course, science has provided us with a vast amount of information concerning the last 15 billion years since the "Big Bang" presumably took place.

However, we have written records of any kind only for the last 12,000 years at the very most. Therefore there must have been many occurrences of the planet of which we have no knowledge. An ice age may be overdue, yet all we hear about are the perils of global warming.

Many knowledgeable people would suggest that N Taylor's beloved motor car has played a part in such phenomena of this global warming. Personally, I doubt this as the artifices of humankind are puny compared to the forces of Nature.

Probably some event, which may have taken place in the relatively remote past, is now in the process of repeating itself, thereby threatening life on the planet, as we know it.

Human considerations dictate that everyone, who wishes to have a roof over his/her head, should be so provided.

Talk of the UK being cemented over is, of course, rubbish. Having said that, clearly places and areas of outstanding merit must be safeguarded.

