Dog mess is not nice, I agree, but are people blinkered in Malvern ?

You can walk the hills any time in the summer and see the mess people have left. I am not saying two wrongs make a right but my dogs do not drop beer cans, bottles, paper, fag butts or nappies, the list is endless and then there is the vandalism and arson.

As I use the hills to walk my dogs, I take great care to pick up my dog mess and more often walk my dogs before most people have breakfast and so do many others. This way I do not get in the way of speeding mountain bikes or groups of hill walkers.

The budget for emptying waste bins could be greatly reduced if people took their waste home and not put the burden on the Malvern Hill Conservators.

If people wish to carry on trying to stigmatise those who wish to walk their dogs on the hills and segregate them from the general public to a separate part of the hills, they are mistaken.

They should look around the streets of Malvern and see the litter and vandalism that cost the tax payer thousands pounds. Are they going to try and move these people out of Malvern or is being a dog hater and blinkered all they can be.

M R HARRIS, Wedderburn Road,
