The Cordery Club's next meeting will be on June 2 and will take the form of a mystery meeting with tea.

The Annual Parish Meeting went well last week. We had presentations from the police, who informed us that the area had not been a hotbed of crime during the last year. We were all glad to hear this. The Cordery Club, Girl Guides, Brownies, Scouts, football Club, library, Welland Daycare, Friends of Welland and Welland pre-School - all seem to be working well. However, to a group, each wanted more people to volunteer and help. They don't need 100 per cent commitment, just a little help at a time to suit you with all sorts of things . . . you don't have to be practical, or specialize in something, you just have to be willing. Contact me with your inquiries and I will pass on your interest to the relevant local organization.

Following on from the phenomenal success of the Teddy Bears' car boot last week (a record amount of money raised from a car-boot sale in Welland, thank you all very much), the Friends of Welland have got their car boot this weekend. Unlike the Teddy Bears, however, this one will be reverting to the proper time slot, that is noon to 3pm (cars £5 and Vans/Trailers £7) and NOT10.30am. If anyone has anything that they wish to put in the Village Voice, just contact me.