The annual meeting of Staunton Parochial Church Council was held at the Parish Church of St James and was chaired by the lay chairman, Ursula Groves-Smith, in the absence of The Rev. Canon John Evans, priest-in-charge. In her report, the lay chairman thanked Rev Evans and The Rev. Penny Hamer, curate, for all their work and ministry during the year. Attendance figures were slightly up and all major services had large congregations. Everyone was thanked for their work and dedication throughout the year, the organists, readers, sidesmen and women. The treasurer, John Luard, was thanked for all his work and for the accounts, which he presented and which were adopted. Fortunately, no major work has been necessary on the church building and fabric of the church but a portion of the churchyard has been maintained during the year and this will continue.

It was with regret that the PCC accepted the resignation of Mrs Prim Goldring, who had been a member for nearly 30 years. She had become a member soon after moving to Staunton with her husband Tom and their family and has been a dedicated member of the church ever since. She was churchwarden for many years and electoral roll officer. During that time, she and her husband have supported the church in all its fundraising activities, especially during fundraising for the re-building of the church spire. Unfortunately, Prim had met with a serious road accident about five years ago which had meant several spells in hospital. Even so, she continues to attend church services whenever possible, not only at Staunton Parish Church but also at other churches within the benefice of Hartpury, Corse, Staunton and Maisemore.

During the election of officers the lay chairman was re-elected, as were churchwardens Ursula Groves-Smith and Stan Cotton, and the treasurer, John Luard, with the PCC re-elected en bloc. Audrey Smith is the new electoral roll officer.