Something Unspoken by Tennessee Williams and World Premiere by Charles Mander continues tonight (Friday) at Colwall Village Hall, at 7.30pm. Tickets are £10, including an interval hot supper, from John Goodwin, estate agent.

The gardens at Caves Folly and Longacre will open to the public under the National Gardens Scheme on Sunday ( May 29), from 2pm to 5pm. Two gardens £3, children free.

On Saturday, June 3, Philomusica of Gloucestershire and Worcestershire will be singing at St James Church, Colwall, in Music for a Summer Evening. They will be performing Hayden's St Requiem and the Faure's Requiem. Tickets are £6 (£5 concs) from John Goodwin, the Church Office, or on the door. Proceeds go to Christian Aid.

The village fun day takes place at the Downs School on Monday (May 30), at 2pm. There are numerous stalls and many attractions and events. A day not to be missed.