On Sunday, June 12, from 2-6pm, the gardens at Birtsmorton Court will be on display for everyone to walk around. Come and see the delights of a truly beautiful natural English garden. Our parish church will be open during the afternoon, come in and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of our special church. Teas will be served in the Garden Room during the afternoon, so come along and indulge in fresh scones with local strawberries and cream, and homemade cakes. Any offers of help or cakes will be welcome. Call 01684 833287.

On July 8, at 7.30pm, Birtsmorton PCC will be holding a wine, cheese and pud evening at Berrow Vicarage, by kind permission of Mike and Margaret Rogers. Welcome to the launch of The Birtsmorton Pudding Club, a selection of wine and cheese with an array of puddings to tempt any palate, tickets £6, family tickets by arrangement. Book early to avoid disappointment. All funds raised to meet running costs of our parish church.

A date for you diary. On Wednesday, November 16, at 7.30pm, in the Garden Room at Birtsmorton Court, by kind permission of Mr and Mrs N Dawes, we will be holding an auction of goods and promises. Please will you support this event. Any ideas of pledges and gifts welcome. I await your call on 01684 833287.