YOUR front page story (Saturday, May 7) headlined "Mystery crusade against late drinking" relating to the Bamboo nightclub in St John's extending selling alcohol to 4am, I would say that most young people normally behave decently but there are always some who, having consumed alcohol, behave irresponsibly.

I think nearby residents of the nightclub have a right to be concerned.

I can foresee problems with noise, assaults, drink/driving and damage to private properties when revellers leave the club at 4am.

I am no killjoy - by all means encourage young people to enjoy themselves. I am sure most people, however, can do this without needing to be supplied with alcohol every evening.


St John's, Worcester.

n HOW right of N Taylor (Letters, Thursday, May 19) to draw our attention to Britain's scandalous voting system.

It is this crazy voting system that our armed serviced personnel are being used to force on to a foreign country (Iraq), which was incapable of doing harm to us. These brave people are exposed to bombs, gunfire and blistering heat in an illegal war, while our own homeland is being overrun by aliens and needs defending.

The above illogical situation is better understood when it is realised that "The City" of London (The Square Mile) headed by the Bank of "England" have us all shackled with huge National Debt and are therefore our real masters that dictate main policy - not Parliament.

Our overpaid MPs, elected by a flawed system, go to great lengths to create the impression that they are running our country but, in reality, they are mere puppets whose strings are pulled by shadowy characters, who may not be British, but dominate behind the political scenes.

